The Beanryboy Post and Chronicles.

The life and times of jason and april dominy, meager Christ-followers, and their quest to do something in their life that will make a Kingdom difference in this world.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jars of Clay pictures from the Blood:Water Mission Benefit-Nashville

New Website and Jars Of Clay Live Footage!

Well, the new Bean'ry website is done for today, and feel free to check it out. Enjoy the scenery, and thanks for those that have already e-mailed me with your comments. I am making a few changes here and there to help make it flow easier!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Doors are opening....

Tuesday at the Lake Norman Fireworks Extravaganza (Yes, I think that's what it was called!), I was introduced to the husband and wife that own most of Charlotte's most popular locally owned coffeehouses. They were very nice, and we had a great conversation about the coffeehouse we are oepning, and what we want to do with it. At the end, he asked if I would be willing to do a joint deal, opening one with him. He would handle all the financial stuff, I would manage and handle all the community service/ministry stuff. It could be very cool, and would give us an instant edge to everyone else in this area. We meet with them again next week to hash out specific details, it may be just the help we needed. The owners are Christians, and have a strong desire to see someone do what we are going to be doing. Just throwing that out there for you. I will keep you updated when things move forward!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It is so hot, hot, hot....

Sorry the long delay since the last blog, and thanks for all the cool e-mails over the past month. We greatly appreciate it. And thanks for checking us out at our other world wide home. To catch those of you up we haven't been able to, here we go. We are settled in here in Charlotte, and are enjoying life in the fast lane. It is nice being near everything, and having so much to do. We certainly miss our house, and I do miss having a yard to keep up. A year from now, we will back doing all those things.
The planning for the new Bean'ry is going good. I was in the middle of writing our business plan and fundraising plan, when we have maybe hit a snag. A good one. I met with the owner of Charlotte's most popular local coffeehouses, and he has a desire to open a coffeehouse in the same area I wanted, and has stated we would open a joint coffeehouse, whereby he handles the business end, and I handle all the community center aspects, including April and I being Managers/Directors. Very cool, and we are excited about what may happen. I will keep you updated. We meet with him this week to talk about this more.
We also went to Nashville to meet with the guys in Jars of Clay about our partnering with Blood:Water Mission by donating 5% of all our profits to BWM. If you don't know what Blood:Water Mission is, they are helping our brothers and sisters in Africa by building clean water wells, and helping to get clean blood there, helping lengthen lives in villages all over Africa. Check out the website, and please get involved. Please. . One dollar will provide clean water for one African for a whole year. $3000 will build one clean water well. Check out the website, and get involved. We have an obligation to them, just as our neighbors here. Maybe moreso there, because they are in so need of normal things we take for granted, such as, clean water. Anyway, we are glad to be able to partner with Jars of Clay in this, and they were very excited, too. We got to go to a benefit concert Jars of Clay and Derek Webb did for BWM at a Nashville minor league baseball game. One dollar from every ticket went to BWM, and they took up donations, as well as a silent auction with lots of Jars of Clay memorobilia and stuff. It was very cool. We also got to see the Saturn plant where the make the very Saturn Vue we own, as well as the Saturn Ion. It was pretty neat seeing how they make cars nowadays. Well, I guess that's all for now, just a quick update. Also, check out out this article. I found it pretty cool. .

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