The Beanryboy Post and Chronicles.

The life and times of jason and april dominy, meager Christ-followers, and their quest to do something in their life that will make a Kingdom difference in this world.

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Land of Box.

Well, the walls are totally bare, everything is boxed up, and I have no idea where my toothbrush is. Okay, I was kidding about the toothbrush, but everything else is in a box labeled, LR, BR, OF, or KITCHEN. Some of you know of the land I speak of. The Land of Box. We will start our relocation next Thursday, and finish up on Saturday. April will have everything set up by Sunday, and we will be back to normal (except the scenery), by Monday. Weird. Very
weird. Anyway, everything is and has fallen into place, the doors we needed opened have opened, or are, opening, and as strange as it is to think, we are at peace. We are very excited, and can't wait to get to our new place in Charlotte! We are having a yard sale this Saturday, and disc golf on Sunday. Things are definitely winding down around these parts. All for now. More later.
P.S. This is our actual apartment. Third Floor corner. Sorry, it was getting dark.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

God likes to mix things up, I guess...

I know, I can just hear it now. So, here ya go. After much prayer and supplication, April and I have decided to stay up here, and are moving to Charlotte to open The Bean'ry. We contacted the people in St. Augustine Friday, and explained our reasons, and are just getting to tell everyone else. There was alot going with regards to family, and it is in my best interest to stay in this area. There were lots more doors closed, than ever really remotely opened. It was never a situation April was comfortable with, and financially could have been enough to put us under, and with the stresses of our marriage about the choice to move, it was not the best idea. We were having problems finding affordable housing, and other ways to supplement my meager income.
The Vine in St. Augustine was/is a great thing, the people are awesome, but I have to take care of my family FIRST. The pastor and his wife, and really the whole church, were really good to us, but like I said, I had to make a hard choice. This was a hard decision, and did not come without a lot of advice from people I respect immensely. I have put alot of work into laying the foundation for the new Bean'ry down there, and hate to not be the one to carry it out. I have joined in with what God is doing in the Charlotte area, and will be working alongside my old pastor Thor Colberg. This will still be a Vineyard thing, just a different one. The beach would have been cool, and I would have been closer to my family in FL, but again, my immediate family first, always. Those with wives understand this key principle.
It has been a hard thing for me, because I really thought God was leading us down there, and don't understand why things changed. Some of my friends have said maybe God wanted to see if we would be obedient, like Abraham. And in my flesh I think, "Yeah, but our house is sold, and we have to move out by June 15th, and here it is May!" But God had another plan, and it is falling into place very smoothly, and very quickly. I can't help thinking I goofed somehow, but only went on what I had at the time, which changed little by little, and April's real feelings were finally understood. She says we would have never moved to Charlotte before, and she is right. We never had any inkling to go there, but after spending the past couple of weeks down there may days and nights, we have grown to really love it there. And as I have learned in my marriage, my wife has good instincts about things, and a good head on her shoulders. I have grown to really listen to her wisdom, and come up with what I feel is the best thing.
So, we will be moving to Charlotte at the end of May. We have our apartment, and look forward to starting planning of Charlotte/Huntersville's best coffeehouse and acoustic music venue. The Boss is planning BIG things, and although I truly have NO idea what they are, I know it's gonna be AWESOME! We will never know why God does things in the manner He does, and I sure have alot of questions even now, but it's ALL GOOD! So, thanks for the continued support as we move this show down the road an hour, even though we will still hold in our hearts a special place for St. Augustine, and will continue to pray for what those guys are doing! They are great, caring people, and will do BIG things there.
P.S. The above pic is our new home. Third floor, fireplace, two BR, two full bath. Ours does not overlook the pool, but overlooks some woods. Nice.

P.S.S. More importantly, and I can't believe I almost forgot. The little boy who we had been praying for passed away yesterday morning. Little Joey was such a cute little boy, and a joy for his family. Please pray for his family that they would be comforted in this time of mourning.

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