The Beanryboy Post and Chronicles.

The life and times of jason and april dominy, meager Christ-followers, and their quest to do something in their life that will make a Kingdom difference in this world.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

I Will Be Free...

Yesterday we saw Cindy Morgan perform a free show at the mall in Winston-Salem. A great acoustic set with the incredible Jonathan Kingham. Cindy played songs from her new CD, "Postcards", and actually played a killer mountain dulcimer! It was great, and cool to talk with Jonathan about his music (which is incredible, did I mention?), and his upcoming tour playing with Glen Phillips from Toad the Wet Sprocket. He did mention Toad is playing shows together this summer, and that was cool. Enjoy the crappy cell phone picture from the show. Squint real hard and you can see anything. :-)

Friday, April 21, 2006

Just like lovers do.

Hello all. It has been a while. We have been really busy. We were both sick for a couple of weeks, and I have been out with my back for a few. My spine has grown crooked, pinching one of the nerves, causing lots of not so good feelings. I am laid out some days on my back, other days not so bad. I have been seeing a chiropractor who happens to be my neighbor. It has helped, and I feel as if it is getting better. I have not played disc golf in the past couple of weeks because of it.
April and I were able to go out of town this past week for her Spring break. We were got there Monday morning, and got back Wednesday. We went to Asheville, and Gatlingurg one day. We stayed in Asheville, a beautiful little town kinda like Athens, with a real cool downtown, and lots of cool coffee shops. On Wednesday we went up to Gatlinburg, and visited all the shops and such, and took the tram up to Ober Gatlinburg, where we enjoyed the beautiful Spring day by going down the Alpine Slide, a sled-like thing that goes down one of the ski slopes. We both had a lot of fun, and did it very much on the cheap by eating at places like Burger King, and eating the free breakfast at the Comfort Suites room we got on It was great exploring new places, and the weather could not have been better!
Planning on the Bean'ry is going well, with most of it done. Alex Brown is still working on a way to get down there to join us, and has visited there recently. Well, I guess that's all I can think of now, but keep the prayers coming, and please let me know if there is anything I can pray for you guys about. Several of you have e-mailed me recently and told me about things that you have going on, and may we always remember who is in control! Also, keep praying for my friend's nephew Little Joey. He is at home with hospice, on morphine to ease the pain. He is not doing well, and the doctors have said he doesn't have long left. Thanks to all.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Threes a charm.

Hey everybody. Sorry it has taken me a little while to post a new blog. April and I have been very busy getting the house ready to sell, and we have both been sick at the same time with bad cold/flu-ish/sinus infection kinda things that have had both of us running on reserves for a couple of weeks now. April has had it now for three weeks, I believe. I am better now, and have gotten back to the work of getting my plan ready for the Bean'ry. I had taken a break for that whilest we got the house on the market. We finally got it on the market last Wednesday, and I'll be John Denver if it did not sell by Saturday! April and I were at a disc golf tournament in Salisbury when our realtor called to tell us the news. It was our very first showing, which was from 10-11, and she called us around 12. Crazy quickness. They originally tried to shave $5000 off, but I held my own, knowing it was worth what we were asking, and again, our realtor called back 30 minutes later to tell us they would take it, and allow us to stay here until the middle of June. We will be renting the house back until then, and the closing is at the end of the month! It's crazy that we were so freaked out about having to sell it, and wondering what all we had to do to prepare, and make sure everything was perfect, and it sold after the first showing! The lady next door has had her house on the market for a month or more at a price $3500 more than ours, with no offers. The guy across the street sold his house in 8 days at a price that is $12,500 less than ours, even though ours is newer and nicer with lots more features and no repairs needed. We were just blessed all around. We plan to use most of the money we made to pay for a good chunk of a years rent in advance, to take one less thing off what we have to worry about...
So, there ya go. From now til June we can relax in our home, taking our time to get packed, and getting ourselves ready for all God has for in Florida. We are anxiously excited, and the reality is becoming more evident as the days go on that life as we know it will soon be MUCH different. We know He has BIG plans for us, and can't wait to see what they are. Please continue to pray for us as we begin to pack and all that stuff. That we would truly seek His will out in every way, that He would direct our path, and that we would rely totally on Him. Thanks, as always!
P.S. The picture is from Mute Math, who we saw in Winston-Salem a couple of weeks ago. An amazing live show!!!

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